Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Messages from Matt...

·         Cut the top off your carrots and put them in water, they will start growing.

·         Grow your peas in a tepee made out of sticks

·         Grow potatoes in tyres by putting soil into the tyre and as the potatoes grow bigger add another tyre on top and fill with soil.  

·         Cut tomatoes right at the bottom of the stem to make it grow taller and not wider.

·         Cut the roots off spring onions and radishes to make them grow again.

·         You can cut the runners off strawberries and re-plant them.
Matthew has been hard at work in his own garden and has a wide range of foods to show for his hard work, see pictures below:



  1. A wonderful effort Matthew, well done! I trust you are EATING all that you are growing too? :-)

  2. Sorry meant to say every thing tasted delish
